Tuesday 16 November 2010

A foggy day in paradise

Fog over The Scrubs
This morning's shoot with CBS News at The Scrubs was decidedly murky. They filmed me taking some members of the Peut-Etre Theatre (www.peutetretheatre.co.uk) on an urban birding crash course. They are putting together a children's play that featured city birds and had wanted my advice. After a fairly birdless wander I did a piece to camera about John Audubon. I will be doing more filming with them next week.

This afternoon I sent my errant Blackberry to the menders and picked up the most basic of phones to tide me over. It's amazing how used I had got to having a personal computer at my fingertips. How am I going to cope with a phone that you can barely send a text from?

This evening I journeyed up to Stevenage in Hertfordshire to deliver a talk to the Stevenage RSPB Group. It was a fun night and the audience seemed to enjoy themselves. Got home pooped after midnight and after enduring a couple of arduous train journeys.

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