Monday 20 April 2009

Krakow tonight

I often wondered about the logic behind passengers cheering and applauding as a plane touches down to land. I could understand it if, God forbid, the craft had engine failure and the pilot had to guide the plane down safely against all adversity. That's fair enough. 

Tonight, I had a fairly routine flight between Stanstead and Krakow. However, when we touched down it seemed as though the plane had just landed on two of its wheels - and not necessarily the same two wheels at any given moment. I found myself clutching my armrest rather too tightly for my liking. As we rocked and jerked down the runway at great speed, the passengers burst into spontaneous applause. Surely the time to applaud is when you are safely tucked up in your Polish bed clutching your teddy as that lovely, warm feeling envelopes you as sleep wafts into your soon to be unconscious mind. Now that's the time to clap!

I'm in Krakow, in the third room that my hotel had to offer. The previous two had no internet access. My final room is a family room that I think overlooks the old town square. I met with my Polish guide, he is a lovely fella. He picked me up from the airport and we went for a drink to plan tomorrow.

The plan by the way is to leave the hotel at 6am to walk around the city and surrounds. He's planning a 20km hike and he's bringing sandwiches for us both!

I'd better go get some beauty sleep!

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